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Our Top Motorcycling Playlists

August 09, 2021

A selection of good tunes can be just as important to your riding experience as the number of cc's you have underneath you. The kind of music that elevates your motorcycling experience depends hugely on the kind of person you are, and what you get out of the experience. For some it's high energy rock and electric guitars all the way, while others are just looking for something a bit more chill to help them relax and destress by focusing on the road. Whatever your preference, we've asked our staff to share their favourite riding playlists to get an idea of the spectrum, and welcome hearing what the overall consensus is from the motorcycle community!

STEVEN (Director / Product Development) - Steven rides often and likes to get the adrenaline flowing with high energy rock music, when asked about the playlist he gave it an advisory warning that it may "change how you ride" and not necessarily in way that keeps you on the right side of the law! Listen with caution:

RORY (Website / Admin) - Rory is a big electronic music fan and prefers a playlist that evokes tron or a cyberpunk/futuristic feeling, this is a great playlist for riding in the city at night or in a more urban environment in general:

TIM (Sales) - Tim is usually busy in London and often rides his scooter when out talking to our suppliers, when asked he said he usually likes to listen to Radio 6 when out on the road: https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/live:bbc_6music


A few people we have spoken to have recommended the popular "Walk like a badass" playlist on Spotify. It's full of guitar riffs made for feeling like an absolute legend. Whether or not you actually are an absolute legend, this is a good one if you need to give yourself a boost and scrape your knees on the road a bit so everyone knows you are one of the real ones.

Another one of Rory's playlists, this one is marmite as not everyone is into classical, however if you're touring the likes of Scotland, Wales or the Peak district, this is a go to playlist for the wide open countryside and the sweeping hills, perfect if you need a palette cleanser from the high energy rock and electronic music elsewhere in this post:

This playlist was posted online by webuyanybike.co.uk - we found it online and liked it so have taken the tracks and put them into a spotify playlist for everyone, this is another good rock centric playlist with a lot of Judas Priest, thanks to Jo Butler at webuyanybike.co.uk for this one, you can see the original post here:

 A little search on spotify led to finding this playlist by the user "jimbannon306" which has picked up a lot of traction, this is a really solid playlist with a lot of classic rock, a good one if you're out for a long solo ride! Credit to the user jimbannon306 for putting it together:

YOUR PLAYLIST - What do you like to listen to? If you have a recommendation send us your playlist to media@ultimateaddons.com and if we like it we will add it to our list!

Hope you enjoy some of these playlists, if you need a motorcycle phone case to stream spotify come to ultimateaddons.com and see what we have to offer!

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